AMERISKIN ® Dermatology

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"Bringing Personalized Skin Care to the People of America"

Home About Us Melanoma Squamous Cell Cancer Basal Cell Cancer Pre-Cancers
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"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in America. Many Americans work and play outdoors. Sun exposure may be excessive, especially if protective measures are not taken. We have the quadruple aim of continuously improving the safety and quality of dermatologic care, reducing dermatologic healthcare costs, making care locally convenient and easy access care in person or through the Internet. Over a lifetime, pre-neoplastic conditions (actinic keratoses, lentigo maligna) and cancers of the skin may occur in sun damaged parts of the body. Cancers of the skin (melanoma, mycosis fungoides, Kaposi' sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinoma) may be life threatening. A worrisome trend is the incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing rapidly, especially in people who utilize tanning salons.

AMERISKIN ® Dermatology's mission is to decrease the incidence of melanoma, increase life expectancy, reduce melanoma morbidity, decrease premature mortality (years of potential life lost and premature mortality rate) through its efforts to modify individual (participatory) behavior: (1) sun protection to decrease UV light exposure (protective clothing and eyewear, time of day, sun blocks, duration of UV exposure, avoidance of tanning booths), (2) perform periodic skin self-surveillance and self-evaluations and (3) integrating preventive and interventional skin cancer care into the realm of primary healthcare providers. When you are a patient at AMERISKIN ® Dermatology, it is your cutaneous oncology medical home wherein you enter a clinically integrated health care network with access to primary and specialty care. Specialists include surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pharmacists, and nurses who work together in an integrated, coordinated and cooperative manner to determine, then recommend specific personalized prevention and precision treatments for you. Additionally, DermAItology® and MelanomAI® are exciting new services offered to increase access, improve quality, lower costs and deliver value based dermatology services to you and healthcare providers under the umbrella of "Augmented Intelligence". Our proprietary "Augmented Intelligence" decreases the mental burden of actively practicing healthcare providers by ensuring ease of mind and providing easy, global access to curated, locked down actionable datasets for patient care that are harder for hackers to penetrate.

If you undergo a skin biopsy, the skin specimen may be sent to AMERISKIN ® Dermatology for processing, evaluation, diagnosis, and inclusion in its database. The pathology report is an important part of comprehensive care of your skin condition or skin cancer. Ask us about our Remote Second Opinion (RSO) service for melanoma and skin cancer. Distance should not keep you from the skin cancer care you deserve!!

You may contact AMERISKIN ® Dermatology to request information about skin care, skin diseases and to obtain an appointment for skin cancer screening and care by licensed healthcare professionals who are our partners at AMERISKIN ® Dermatology.

For more information about our services, healthcare partners or to send skin biopsies to us, contact

AMERISKIN ® Dermatology

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