"Bringing Personalized Skin Care to the People of America"
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There are many resources available through the Internet on the World Wide Web regarding skin disease, especially skin cancer. The following links, updated often, provide a diverse resource of credible and reliable information to patients, their families and healthcare providers:
International Society of Dermoscopy
International Society of Dermatologists
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
College of American Pathologists
American Society of Clinical Pathology
Department of Health and Human Services
National Women's Health Information Center
U.S. State and Local Government Gateway
National Health Information Center
Office of the Surgeon General of the USA
AMERISKIN ® Dermatology is a public-private effort in healthcare services related to educating Americans about proper skin care as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions, including skin cancers. If you undergo a skin biopsy, the skin specimen may be sent to AMERISKIN ® Dermatology for processing, evaluation, diagnosis, and inclusion in its database.
Byron L. Barksdale, M.D.
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